Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just want to give everyone an update on how our class is doing.  We are now into our second week of school and everyone is doing great.  It's amazing how our little ones have adjusted so quickly.  We are still talking about the letter "A", number 1, circle and color red.

Today in cooking we made homemade applesauce. All the children were excited to help Ms. Donna put the apples in the blender and watch the apples turn into "Applesauce"!  Everyone enjoyed it.  They even asked for seconds!

We also did water painting.  This was the first time we painted in class.  Some needed guidance and the others caught on quickly.  Everyone loved painting.

I will be posting pictures on the hallway board  from the activities we do through out the year!

It was a great day!!

Ms. Pam 720-621-2030