Sunday, September 30, 2012

We have been in school for a month and all the kids are doing great.  We are already seeing progress from them all.

I started the name tag picture game in circle time and it's going well.  I have even went a little further to  play the name tag game at the table without thier pictures attached to their name.  It's amazing how they are catching on so quickly.  The older kids are already recognisng their name plus some of their friends names.

Next week we will be working on the letter C, triangle, number 3, and color yellow. 

Our sign in/out computer is now up and running.  When you have the time please go see Ms. Heather to get signed up to start using the computer to sign your child in and out.  Let us know if you have any questions about the new sign in/out procedures.

Now that the weather is starting to change please rememer to bring a jacket to school each day for your little ones.  We go outside everyday as long as the weather is above 28 degrees or below 92 degrees.  We will stay indoors if there is extreme wind, wettness from the rain, snow, or lightning.

Every Thursday we have an art teacher who comes in to do fun art activites with the kids.  The art they do with Ms. Talleen will go home on the same day.

Thank you Pam 720-621-2030