Sunday, September 30, 2012

We have been in school for a month and all the kids are doing great.  We are already seeing progress from them all.

I started the name tag picture game in circle time and it's going well.  I have even went a little further to  play the name tag game at the table without thier pictures attached to their name.  It's amazing how they are catching on so quickly.  The older kids are already recognisng their name plus some of their friends names.

Next week we will be working on the letter C, triangle, number 3, and color yellow. 

Our sign in/out computer is now up and running.  When you have the time please go see Ms. Heather to get signed up to start using the computer to sign your child in and out.  Let us know if you have any questions about the new sign in/out procedures.

Now that the weather is starting to change please rememer to bring a jacket to school each day for your little ones.  We go outside everyday as long as the weather is above 28 degrees or below 92 degrees.  We will stay indoors if there is extreme wind, wettness from the rain, snow, or lightning.

Every Thursday we have an art teacher who comes in to do fun art activites with the kids.  The art they do with Ms. Talleen will go home on the same day.

Thank you Pam 720-621-2030

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy Wednesday everyone,

Just a little note.  We have new photos in the hallway!!  The pictures are soooo cute!

Ms. Pam


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a good weekend!  This will be our forth week being in school.  Wow! hard to believe.

This week we are still talking about the color blue as well as red.  We are still working on letters A and B.

In science this week will be making our own (b)ubbles.  Cooking we will also be making homemade (B)utter.

The kids are starting to recognize letters and numbers.  This week we will start getting the kids to recognizing their names.  We will have their names on name tags like the names on the table, but we will have their picture next to their name.  I will be doing this activity in circle time.    After Christmas break I will take their picture off their name tags and I'm sure they will be able to recognise their names by then

Thank you

Ms. Pam

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Would  like to give everyone an update on what we will be doing next week.

This week coming up we will be starting on the letter "B" and introducing the color blue. The shape will be square and number 2.

On Monday in science we will be doing cool whip baggies with the color blue.  The kids will watch their  cool whip change from "white" to "blue" as they rub their fingers over the baggies.  This is a great small motor activity for the kids.

Tuesday is cooking.  We will be making "Blue" play dough.  Last time  all the kids loved it so I decided to do this again.

Thursday we have an Art teacher coming in our classroom to do some fun art with our little ones.

Just a reminder Thursday Sept. 20th will be picture day.  Bring your child in for his/her picture even if your child is not scheduled to be in classThe photographer will be downstairs at 9:00 a.m.   Don't forget.  I will also remind everyone as it gets closer.

Thank you
Ms. Pam 


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just want to give everyone an update on how our class is doing.  We are now into our second week of school and everyone is doing great.  It's amazing how our little ones have adjusted so quickly.  We are still talking about the letter "A", number 1, circle and color red.

Today in cooking we made homemade applesauce. All the children were excited to help Ms. Donna put the apples in the blender and watch the apples turn into "Applesauce"!  Everyone enjoyed it.  They even asked for seconds!

We also did water painting.  This was the first time we painted in class.  Some needed guidance and the others caught on quickly.  Everyone loved painting.

I will be posting pictures on the hallway board  from the activities we do through out the year!

It was a great day!!

Ms. Pam 720-621-2030

Saturday, September 8, 2012


The toddler room is off to a great start.  Ms. Donna and I are so amazed with your children's skills and personalities.   They are already picking up on the academics.  This week we worked on recognizing the letter "A", number one, circles and the color red.  We introduced some Spanish and Sign Language as well. 

In cooking we made home-made "red" playdough.  The kids loved it.

Please let Ms. Donna or I know if your child is sharing any of their new experiences with you.

Thank you for allowing us to be part of your child's education.

Remember do not hesitate to address any questions or concerns you have.

Thank you

Ms. Pam  720-621-2030  and Ms. Donna

                                        Our first day in school
                                        having a snack!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Please bring in baby wipes on first day of school.  If you could bring in a couple of containers this will hopfully last for at least half the school year.

Thank you,

Ms. Pam

Friday, August 31, 2012

Welcome back to school .  It was very nice to meet all of you that came to open house on Thursday night.  It was nice to see previous students as well as new faces.  I'm excited for the school year to begin.

I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone know that next week we will be learning the letter "A" and the sound "A" makes.  We will also learn the number "1".  The color we will focus on will be red. 

Cooking will be on Tuesdays.  We will be asking if parents if they could help out by bringing in at least one ingredient for the project.  Cooking will go with the letter we are working on for that week.

If anyone has any questions please call me  720-621-2030.

Enjoy the long weekend and see everyone on Tuesday

Thursday, August 30, 2012

All Precious Children Preschool

Supply List 2012-2013

1 Water bottle, labeled (To be kept at school)

1 backpack, labeled

Paint Smock, labeled (old button up will do)

1 Pencil supply box, labeled

3 Pocket folders, labeled

1 Ream of copy paper

 2 Packs of Crayola Classic Markers, labeled (Washables for Toddlers)

 1 Set of watercolors

8 Glue sticks (Elmer’s Disappearing Purple School Glue Sticks)

1 Bottle Elmer’s School Glue

4 Rolls of paper Towels

1 Pack of Lysol Disinfectant Wipes

1 Box of Ziploc baggies (Large, 1 gallon)

1 Pair of Blunt-tipped scissors

4 Dry erase markers, thin and black

1 Change of clothing, including socks and shoes, labeled (To be kept at school)

2 Boxes of sandwich baggies

$25.00 Yearbook fee (optional)