Sunday, September 16, 2012

Would  like to give everyone an update on what we will be doing next week.

This week coming up we will be starting on the letter "B" and introducing the color blue. The shape will be square and number 2.

On Monday in science we will be doing cool whip baggies with the color blue.  The kids will watch their  cool whip change from "white" to "blue" as they rub their fingers over the baggies.  This is a great small motor activity for the kids.

Tuesday is cooking.  We will be making "Blue" play dough.  Last time  all the kids loved it so I decided to do this again.

Thursday we have an Art teacher coming in our classroom to do some fun art with our little ones.

Just a reminder Thursday Sept. 20th will be picture day.  Bring your child in for his/her picture even if your child is not scheduled to be in classThe photographer will be downstairs at 9:00 a.m.   Don't forget.  I will also remind everyone as it gets closer.

Thank you
Ms. Pam 



  1. Thank you Ms Pam. I really enjoy the blog!
    Corrie - Grayson's mom

  2. Thank you Corrie. I just love having Grayson in my class. Such a sweet little guy.

    Ms. Pam
